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Dr David Hellman Aspen Grey Md Square
Written by Dr. David Hellman

6 Scientific Tips to Help You Fight COVID-19

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So much of what we hear today on television or read about on the internet or in newspapers is related to how to break the spread of the Corona Virus or COVID-19. As an experienced physician, I’ve come to realize that the human body has an incredible ability to protect and heal itself when treated properly. These principles are something that frame the philosophy at Aspen Grey, my optimal health and wellness clinic.

At Aspen Grey, I work with individuals to help them achieve optimal health. Here are some principles that I encourage daily.

1. Drink plenty of water and eat healthy foods.

It may be tempting to snack while at home because your routine is changed or because of stress eating. Be conscientious about limiting sugars and empty calories and replacing with nutrient rich foods. These include foods high in antioxidants and vitamin C.

2. Get plenty of restful sleep.

Adults need at least 7-9 hours of quality sleep to restore and rejuvenate their bodies.

3. Detoxification.

At Aspen Grey, we recommend clients detox at least once a week in our FAR infrared sauna. The FAR infrared sauna is better and different that traditional saunas as it increases circulation and metabolism resulting in a far better sweat and detoxification.

4. Red-light Therapy.

Red light therapy helps to stimulate the bodies immune system, help with seasonal affective disorder as well as stimulate collagen and reduce inflammation.

5. Engage in stress reducing practices.

During periods of increased stress, anxiety and even fear, our bodies respond by releasing cortisol. The effects of stress and high productions of cortisol can lower your immunity. During times of increase stress, engaging in several stress reducing activities is advised.

  • Be active. Walk around the block while getting fresh air and sunshine.
  • Disengaged from social media. Set aside time once a day for updates and no more.
  • Engage in activities that stimulate all the senses.Baking bread or cookies, enjoying a soaking bath with aromatherapy, listening to music, reading a favorite book, meditation and prayer are a few activities to consider.
  • If working from home, establish a routine.
  • Plan for one enjoyable or productive activity each day. Be good to yourself.

6. Help others in need.

Giving back and helping others in the community is a healthy practice for you and the other person.  Write a letter to a loved one or someone that can not get out. Make a voice call or even Facetime or Skype, if available.  Buy a gift card or a meal to go meal someone that is home bound and can not get out. Helping others is healing and important during times of challenge such as today.

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Dr. David Hellman is double Board Certified in Emergency Medicine and Anti-aging & Regenerative Medicine, in which he has received advanced training. He serves as the Owner and Medical Director of Aspen Grey.